ass wr.wb
heellooww friends... thank's 4 visited my blog,, n see my profile!! well i want to tell to u who is ayumi.. okeeii chek it out>>>> hooMy name is "Afifah Ayumi", u can call me ayumi yeaahh thatis my nick name :),,
i was bron in Padang,26nopember1992
but i grew up in sorong,Papua("but u're not black ayumi!!"yeehh that word always spoken from my friends who just know me!!!_^).
my hobby is touring,, learn music,played music,blogging n the specially make a friendship (don't 4get to join my FB,YM,teitter,etc)*lol
humm i'm the 1st child 4rm the 3 brothers,, n i'm girl alone.. hikszz...
my primmary school : sd inpres 109 perumnas,Sorong
my middle school : MTs.N Model Sorong
my senior high school : SMA N 2 Sorong
n now i'm continue my study in STMIK Amikom Yogyakarta. n i majored informatics techniques
ok guyszzz may be just it for me!! soo let's make a friendship.. !! *_^